Analysis of the educational process for 2012-13 academic year
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The material from the experience of work on the stated topic considers the organization of pedagogical monitoring as a means of reflective activity of the teacher. The technology of monitoring research in an educational institution is presented |
Article “Comprehensive assessment of educational activities of teachers by means of monitoring research”
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Formulation of the problem. From education, its quality depends on how a person sees his place in the world, realizes himself, what values he will focus on. Quality education is first of all highly professional pedagogical staff. In the context of changing the educational paradigm, the professional competence of teachers becomes extremely important. The model of a modern teacher presupposes readiness to apply new educational ideas, to be in constant creative search. The formation of a professional teacher begins with the ability to analyze their own activities and its results.
To ensure the high quality of education, it is necessary to have objective and timely information about its status at the level of the educational institution. Such information support can be implemented through the use of educational monitoring.
Elaboration of the theme. The issue of monitoring the quality of education is the subject of research by many scholars. Analyzing scientific sources, we can make generalizations: monitoring is a cyclical process of comparison, comparison of a real object with the planned state and making a management decision on this basis for the current adjustment. At the present stage of development of management science in theoretical works of domestic and foreign scientists (O.Dakhin, G. Yelnikova, V. Kalpei, A. Mayorov, S. Podmazin, S. Shishov) the concept of monitoring in education is formulated …
At the same time, the practical aspects of the studied phenomenon remain insufficiently developed. Therefore, the creation and implementation of a monitoring system at the level of secondary school is relevant.
The purpose of the article. To consider the organization of pedagogical monitoring as a means of reflective activity of the teacher. Introduce the technology of monitoring research in an educational institution.
Presenting main material. “Pedagogical skill,” A. Makarenko remarked, “is a high art of teaching and education that is constantly improving, available to every teacher, which is based on professional knowledge, skills and abilities.” The modern model of pedagogical skill is much broader , it includes pedagogical tact, pedagogical technique, language culture, personal qualities, pedagogical optimism.Thus, pedagogical skill is a set of personality qualities that provide a high level of self-organization of professional activity and its results.
Rational management plays an important role in ensuring the effectiveness of the educational process. The management system allows to solve the problem of improving the professional competence of pedagogical staff and increase their scientific-methodical and general cultural level based on the obtained monitoring data and the final result. Due to the use of reflexive management there is a possibility of timely correction of the activities of both the teacher and the manager.
Such activities contribute to the improvement of the management of the education system on the basis of a person-centered approach. Pedagogical monitoring makes it possible to accumulate information about each teacher, monitor, predict and model the state and development of the professional level of teachers.
Purpose: to increase the level of pedagogical skills and maximize the creative potential of each teacher.
Pedagogical monitoring involves research in the following areas:
Pedagogical activity of the teacher, Innovative activity of the teacher, Self-educational activity of the teacher, Scientific and methodical activity of the teacher, Educational work of the teacher
Pedagogical diagnostics provides a scientific approach to the organization of work with teachers. Thanks to diagnostics, an idea of the teacher’s pedagogical competence is formed, which is studied and developed over a long period of time, and a holistic information complex of ideas about the teacher’s personality is formed. Various forms and methods are used for complex expert pedagogical diagnostics:
self-analysis of the teacher’s work; conducting surveys of students, parents and teachers; identifying the level of psychological and general cultural training; analysis of participation in methodical training; tracking the monitoring of knowledge quality.
K. Rogers points out: “Creativity is survival.” Thus, a creative teacher creates his own personal image. The rating table of teachers’ participation in methodical work helps to solve this question
This table is based on the results of tracking the activities of teachers during the year at the school, district, regional, national levels. The teacher fills in the table, summarizes the scores, calculates the average score by adding the points scored and dividing by the number of monitoring indicators.
Thus, the systematic participation of school teachers in methodical work, the level of creative activity of each teacher is determined, the effectiveness of individual parts of methodical work is monitored, which allows to increase the motivation of teachers to pedagogical activity. According to the table, you can build individual diagrams of methodological activity of an individual teacher and create a generalized table of the whole team, which determines the rating of each teacher within the MO and the school. The results are entered in the stand “Pedagogical monitoring” which is located in the methodical office. On the same stand the rating of MO in system of work of school is defined.
At the end of the school year at the methodical conference the results of teachers’ participation in methodical work are summed up, its results are analyzed and on this basis the directions of organization of methodical work for the next academic years are determined. The administration uses the results of the rating as a means of stimulating professional development. The generalized data are monitored for five years in order to objectively assess the professional activity of teachers during the certification.
The administration, based on the analysis of the results of the rating of teachers has the opportunity to better and more purposefully organize in-school control and work to provide methodological assistance to teachers. A plan for the correction of his educational activities is being drawn up.
One of the main indicators of pedagogical monitoring is tracking the dynamics of knowledge quality. These studies are conducted on the basis of a comparison of students’ knowledge indicators, in which the teacher teaches for several years. Quantitative indicators are translated into percentages, there is an arithmetic mean of each level for the year. This study clearly shows the dynamics of the quality of knowledge in the system of teacher work. On the basis of the table the chart picture where indicators of each year are compared and annual dynamics is traced is created.
The information obtained serves as a feedback between the state of development of the student’s educational activities and the pedagogical influences of the teacher. The data received by the teacher gives him the opportunity to more carefully plan their activities and predict its consequences. Measurements of knowledge at the second stage can indicate the effectiveness of the measures taken and help to track the dynamics of the educational activities of the class and pedagogical activities of the teacher.
Such dynamic maps are created to study the dynamics of the quality of knowledge in each individual subject for each class.
By recording indicators of academic achievement each year, we create a diagrammatic picture of the quality of students’ knowledge in each subject. Analyzing the results of school monitoring, the administration monitors the effectiveness of the subject teacher and, if necessary, plans ways to correct the teacher’s activities, or decides to study, summarize and disseminate the experience of the teacher.
After several years of monitoring research, there was a need to systematize the developed materials. Therefore, each teacher created his own portfolio. The content of the portfolio was determined at a meeting of the methodical council
These are the methodical card of the teacher, the individual plan of methodical work in the intertest period and for a year, an estimation of activity of the teacher by colleagues, parents, pupils, monitoring cards of training of pupils on a subject, education of class collective and so other. As well as materials from work experience, a folder of self-education. Approaching the certification, the teacher will have all the necessary materials, it will allow to objectively assess the professional activities of the teacher, and the methodological council to plan its work with staff. But the certification is held once every 5 years, and it is necessary to stimulate pedagogical activity based on the results of each academic year. Therefore, we use the following forms of publication of achievements
open lessons and educational activities; methodical weeks; festival of pedagogical skills;
And, of course, the stand “Pedagogical monitoring”, which is located in the methodical office.
As the purpose of pedagogical monitoring is to create a positive emotional and psychological mood for creative work, to ensure the professional growth of employees, we define the following forms of encouraging teachers based on the results of monitoring:
gratitude; charter; material reward; raising the category; awarding at the school holiday of achievements “Golden Olympus” at the end of the school year.
Monitoring of pedagogical skills helped to fill in the diagnostic map of the professional level of teachers, allows for school quality monitoring in the activities of teachers, in which the methodological service will get a real picture of the dynamics of professional achievements and complications of teachers, the results of pedagogical activities and school goals.
Thus, monitoring in the system of methodical service not only provides reliable information about the quality and effectiveness of teachers, but also stimulates honest, productive work of teachers, their intellectual initiative, awakens teachers’ interest in creativity, the desire to achieve better results, recognition in the team.