
You didn’t say yes, but if you didn’t say no people tell you

The idea behind these is really cute, but the execution is poor at best. The best way that I can describe the quality is to say that it reminds me of a quick homemade craft project, except poorer quality. Due to the poor quality, I would only recommend these to individuals seeking a one time use accessory, but even then these aren’t going to be the best option..

KushCo Holdings Inc., is, I think, really exciting. When that happens, the institutional guys will be more on board than they already are and Kush has an opportunity to go out and consolidate in a major way. What company is best positioned to take advantage of the expansion of a legal market there?.

Speaking of which I think that would be a great idea as well, 3 options, 1 aimed at each gender and another for the kinky crowd as not everyone on EF is kinky in my opinion and from what I viewed. I been to other toy sites that offer free gifts with every order and many do this (multiple choices, usually 1 aimed at each gender and another aimed at couples or something similar). To me, it doesn matter because I am married and my wife enjoys them.

If you know that you enjoy large toys with no give, the Ultimate Satisfier would be a perfect fit for you. I have found that the length was too much and would prefer a toy with the same girth, but a short shaft. If you are looking to play with larger toys and aren’t sure if you prefer girth or length (or both) the Ultimate Satisfier is a great start that won’t break the bank..

I passed all my exams (improbably I am told) and attended a concert we had each already bought tickets to. I sent her a text message beforehand asking if she’d be there, her reply being ‘I have a boyfriend’. With her out of my life, so was all my motivation to better myself.

People think that rape is a stranger dragging you into a bush and beating you up while you scream no, there are so many seriously messed up ideas about what rape is, and it’s so sad to see so many women attacked like it’s their responsibility if they were raped. You didn’t say yes, but if you didn’t say no people tell you it wasn’t rape and that you are ‘crying rape’, thus you are scum of the earth worthy of being attacked for using the wrong word. The problem is not everyone knows about consent, I don’t think my boyfriend or my close friend knew about consent adult toys, if you don’t say ‘no’ or ‘yes’ how can a man (or a woman) know what you want? What keeps me from saying the word ‘rape’ to describe my experiences is that it could hurt the men involved I don’t think it is fair to label them rapists and possibly ruin their reputation when it is possible that they really genuinely didn’t know that I wasn’t giving my consent.

We decided to opt for a battery operated model first as the cost at retail would have skyrocketed to over $350.00. Also, the Intensity operates for 8.5 hours on a set of batteries. Intensity 2 will most likely be rechargeable as the costs of the circuit boards will go down the more we sell and produce.

Since his defense counsel won’t be able to blame anything on his victim, I guess the next defense will be temporary insanity or emotional immaturity so that he goes to a mental institution instead of prison where animals like him belong. This is what happens when there is a lack of discipline in the home. Look at the instances of trouble that he got into while he was a “prestigious” The Landon School.

For example, one of the go to things that racists try to throw at you are that “black people commit more crime than any other race”. The thing that being implied here when they say that, is that it “because they black” and therefore “black people are bad” which is obviously racist, stupid, and wrong. Whether they admit it or not, that the message they trying to get across..

Thats interesting, i mean I can seriously agree with killer_raincoat, like I cant see a reason now for any kind of sex with someone I dont love, (i havent yet had sex and proabably wont for a while). But I would not shut myself off entirely like that, Im not saying I dont believe srtongly in what the act of sex means when you do it with soemone, but Id still leave room for casual sex because I can imagine situations where I might end up in the position where id go for it because in some rare cases I think it works quite well. Not that I am thinking about any close end to my current relatinship nor do I want an end, I really love my gf at this time and dont wnat anything bad ot happen to pull us apart.

Under current law, the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR), the Game Commission and the Fish and Boat Commission are the only agencies legally allowed to lease state property. However, Hess said a bill moving through the Senate would allow the Department of General Services (DGS) and the State System of Higher Education to lease other state owned land. Hess estimated up to 100,000 acres may be lease able..

Omgoodness. I am in the exact same situation right now. Except that i have feelings for my ex and he doesn’t have feelings for me and i fear that if we don’t hang out, we will lose touch because he is out of high school. They then would have faced the up and coming Warriors coaches by Kerr and then newly formed superteam hesded by Bron. I think it’s because of the fact that they thought they could win it all that year that some Clips (including Doc Rivers) would say they could have beaten the Warriors. This whole thing probably made CP3 hate Steph even more as Steph not just won his first MVP but also his first ring.